It helps relieve the symptoms of indigestion like bloating, and burning sensation and promotes healt
Promotes healthy digestion and metabolism Supports normal bowel movements
Helps improve metabolism and assimilation Aids in alleviating postpartum discomforts
Offers digestive support
Supports digestive health
Promotes digestion and bowel function
Improves digestive functioning
A genuine Ayurveda tablet to improve digestive health! With its unique formula targeting the digesti
It is useful for managing liver problems due to its antioxidant activity which prevents liver cell d
Promotes digestion and cardiovascular well-being Balances effects on the body, harmonising various d
Improves digestion for kids and adults
Helps in relieving a multitude of abdominal issues including abdominal gas and abdominal discomfort
Promotes digestion and metabolism
Improves digestion Beneficial in diarrhoea and vomiting Efficient in managing skin diseases, especia
Vilwadi Lehyam, a traditional Ayurvedic medicine used to calm vitiated Kapha and Pitta elements in t
It acts as a digestive tonic and is made up of digestive herbs
Helps improve digestion
Aids in digestion and keeps the digestive system healthy
Acts as a potent remedy against a host of diseases like constipation, obesity and indigestion
Beneficial for healthy digestion